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Saturday 4 August 2018

Three Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Mobile eCommerce Conversion Rates


In 2017, Black Friday and Cyber Monday Shopify alone saw a 10% increase in mobile sales and 67% of sales were mobile sales. If you haven’t figured it out by now, mobile trumps desktop use by two-thirds.

Are you targeting the majority? If not, you’d better get on board this very second. Every moment you spend keeping a non-mobile-friendly e-commerce site alive is dollars lost.

Even if you’re just turning the page and reconfiguring your e-commerce site, you can benefit from these five e-commerce conversion-boosting tips.

1. Does It Pass the Five-Second Test?

A handshake takes a mere second to accomplish. One study in 2011 showed that if you have a weak handshake, you appear overly passive to anyone you meet. One second could equal a lasting impression in social situations.

Fortunately, as an e-commerce guru, you have 5x more time to make an impression on your leads. That’s only five seconds.

In usability tests, it’s standard practice to test what users can remember after seeing a page after five seconds. If they can tell you the most important aspects of your page after only five seconds, you’ve designed your page for mobile usage.

In mobile design, you must take into account attention span. Mobile devices are designed to keep people distracted with new information at all times. Thus, if you’re trying to sell Bluetooth headphones, you have very little time to attract a lead’s attention before they go to your competitor.

2. Are Filter and Sorting Options Upfront and Center?

When someone walks into a department store, the first thing they should encounter is a map or directory. If they have to ask a service member for directions, someone dropped the ball. It should be no different in the digital world of e-commerce.

In the desktop world, everyone knows that if they just click the top right menu, they’ll find some sort of directory. But for some reason, this ability got lost in translation for most mobile-friendly sites.

It’s more important in mobile settings for customers to be able to quickly weed out what they don’t want and find what they want. Remember the five-second rule? If they can’t find that sort/filter button within those five seconds, they’re going elsewhere.

3. Can Users Control and Edit Information as They Checkout?

This applies to both the app version and the mobile web browser version of your e-commerce shop. People are used to using a “back button.” It’s insanely frustrating to get halfway through a checkout process and realize you’ve entered the wrong information. That frustration compounds when you can’t go back and edit said info and you’re forced to start over.

I once worked in the medical field, and for some reason, medical records software companies don’t get this simple concept. I might have drunk less during those years if I could have gone back and edited records after the fact instead of having to start over a billion times. Don’t drive your customers to drink, include an edit and back button on every page of the order process.

What are some ways you’re optimizing mobile e-commerce for higher conversion rates? Let’s continue the discussion in the comments below.



Read_more MMO mastermind

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