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Saturday 14 July 2018

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What is your favorite entrepreneur or celebrity success quote that really gets you going? Mine is short and simple — it’s “Get Shit Done!”.

I’m sure you have a favorite of your own. It might be super original, one that’s not well known, or might even be a common saying from a well-known celebrity or entrepreneur. No matter what it is, or who it’s from, I’m sure it’s super inspiring!

To help spread that inspiration and dedication to success, today we are going to look at 57 different success quotes from other top bloggers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and business owners from around. Not only will they be sharing what the quote is, but also why they love it and how it inspires them to find even more success in both life and business.

57 Entrepreneurs Share their Favorite Entrepreneur Success Quotes

Gina Horkey

One of my favorite motivational quotes is from Earl Nightingale, which says:

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

I used that quote to fuel me through writing the first full draft of a fiction novel – while I never pursued bringing it to publication, writing an entire book felt like an accomplishment! Then later I used this same quote to encourage me as I started my virtual assistant business and blog.

This quote rings true in many facets of life – whether you’re trying to lose weight and get in shape, start a new business or pursue a passion like writing a novel.

Gina Horkey – Horkey HandBook


Syed Balkhi

My favorite quote is: When someone tells you it can’t be done, it’s more a reflection of their limitations, NOT yours! The reason why I really love this message is that in our lives, we find tons of people who doubt your vision. This is especially worse when you’re an entrepreneur because often people don’t understand our way of thinking. My advice to all young entrepreneurs is to never let that slow you down. Keep working hard towards your mission.

Syed Balkhi –


Marko Saric

My favorites quotes are along the lines of the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing and most overnight successes took a long time. I find them inspirational and valuable as I believe they speak the truth from my experience. Too many people think about big things, dream and talk about them but too few ever actually take any action towards achieving their goals. And the interesting fact is that majority of people that actually do take some action give up way too soon as they have too high expectations and don’t see any instant results and quick progress.

Marko Saric –


Ryan Biddulph

“Follow your fun.” Not sure who said it but this is the ultimate form of wisdom for any entrepreneur, whether online or offline. Too many folks get into the business game with their eyes on profits or sales or even fame. But those drivers vanish immediately because newbie entrepreneurs with these outside motivators soon learn that money and fame only flow in when you have followed your passion, when you studied and learned your niche inside out, and when you have created value and built meaningful friendships with top entrepreneurs in your niche. Following your fun is hands down the most important aspect of being successful with your venture because

Ryan Biddulph –


Jon Dykstra

My favorite business quote is the Wall Street maxim “bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered”.

I think that quote is applicable to so many business situations beyond investing in stocks.

What it means is investors with a long term view make money whether a market is going up or down while speculators and people looking for big short term gains (i.e. shortcuts) lose money. Investors minimize risk while maximizing upside potential. The degree of risk is an important part of the equation. Pigs disregard risk, taking on too much hoping for a windfall. The pig in the maxim is a gambler.

Of course any business involves risk, but that risk can be considerably minimized if it’s a sound idea and properly executed with a long term outlook. On the flip side, shortcuts can work and work spectacularly well, but often don’t result in a sustainable business. Yes, there are always exceptions, but the risk simply isn’t worth it in the aggregate.

Jon Dykstra – FAT Stacks Blog


Georgi Todorov

My favorite success quote is by Shiv Khera. He is an Indian author of self-help books and an activist for equality. He launched a movement against caste-based reservation in India. The quote is: “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success”.

I like it, because there is nothing more important in our life than feeling good and maintaining good emotional condition. This is how I define success: To feel good. And the best way to feel good is to reach to the best feeling though that you have an access to at this particular moment. After that, everything is easier. Your interpretation of the world is different. New clients are coming from all kinds of sources. Old clients are coming back to buy more. Miracles can happen when you stick to this principle.
Of course there is another way around. If you struggle on the positive, just do positive actions. It will affect your thoughts. Your thoughts affect your actions but your actions change your thoughts as well!

Georgi Todorov –


Ted Rubin

Quote: A Network give you Reach, but a Community gives you Power! Networks Connect… Communities Care. ~ Ted Rubin

A small, passionate community of like-minded people can often accomplish far more than a larger, less-connected group working on the same challenge. Building a dedicated community takes effort, but it’s one of the most effective ways to build your brand, your business, your home. The power of relationships scales up when you create opportunities for passionate people to connect.

So don’t get hung up on the size of your network. Instead, whether it’s around a cause, a topic of interest, or developing your next product or service… work on ways to connect that network into, and empower/enable, vibrant communities. Networks are just a series of nodes, communities supports each other, look out for each other, and have lifeblood. Don’t underestimate the power of the “collective.”

Ted Rubin –


Jeet Banerjee

My favorite entrepreneurial quote is by Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in this world”. I think it is so vital for entrepreneurs and business owners to understand the great wisdom in this saying. As entrepreneurs, many of us too often chase the wrong things in life. I love following this quote because it serves as a constant reminder to me what really matters. When I leave this world, I want to create a legacy that will hopefully outlive me. I want to change the world and there is so many things in this world that can use some change. Finding a purpose and a passion for your life is extremely important and we as entrepreneurs have the complete ability to chase a dream of any size. This has been my favorite quote ever since I started my entrepreneurial journey at the age of 17 and it continues to guide me in my future endeavors.

Jeet Banerjee –


David James

Entrepreneur “Mike Harris” made a good comment about “filling the gap”. This is in response to how people respond to a challenge. No matter what goals people are tasked with achieving, or how difficult it may be, they will be creative enough to find a solution. The more bold the challenge, the more they will respond to the challenge.

David James –


Janice Wald

This question is simple to answer. I know this quote as well as I know my own name. “Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint.” This is my favorite quote since it changed my life. I might not be blogging today if I hadn’t heard the quote.

To reflect: When I was a new blogger, I retained another blogger for a free consultation. I was frustrated and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. When she told me that blogging is a marathon, not a sprint, I knew what I was doing wrong. I wasn’t being patient enough for success. The truth: I wasn’t being patient at all. My reflection post 18 Ways You Can Have One of the Most Popular Blogs details my early struggles with patience in Tip #5.

Today I’m a blogging tips coach. Whether I’m offering blogging tips in writing or coaching one one one, I always tell people that life-changing tip. Be patient and let success find you. Unfortunately, too many bloggers aren’t patient and abandon their blogs. Hopefully, they’ll read this interview and realize that online success can indeed find them if they wait for it.

Janice Wald – Mostly Blogging


Andrew Lowen

A few years back, I had the pleasure of training under a less well-known entrepreneur named Jim Winkler. He is a C-level executive for, and rose through the ranks as one of their top sales performers. During one particular training session, sitting aboard a yacht docked next to a mansion on the waters of Miami, Florida, he gave me the best business advice I have ever received.

The advice? “Do something.”

Simple in speech, easy in theory. But the lesson is more important than any lesson taught by the gurus I have seen speak and more valuable than any line I have ever read from a business book.

What does it mean? Simply this: Focus on result producing activities.

It is so easy to get caught up during the day with busywork. This work is “safe,” doesn’t have much risk, and doesn’t carry the possibility of failure or success (both equally frightening in their own ways). But that work isn’t what is going to keep you in business, and it is not going to get you any closer to your goals! Sure, answering e-mails is important, and so is answering your phone. But collecting money, ensuring you are serving your current clients with timely and top-level service, seeking customer feedback/reviews, and seeking new paying customers are things that are scary…

Checking your company’s social media accounts, doing your books, or straightening up your office might be something you need to do, but it is not what will make you successful in the end. As I look around, my office is an awful mess. Maybe I will pay someone to clean it for me with the money I earn from “doing something.”

Andrew Lowen – Next Level Web


Jerry Low

My personal favorite is from Tony Hsieh and his book, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, and it’s:

“It’s important to constantly challenge and stretch yourself, and not be stuck in a job where you don’t feel like you are growing or learning.”“It’s important to constantly challenge and stretch yourself, and not be stuck in a job where you don’t feel like you are growing or learning.”

The quote serves as a core value and reminder to myself that growth and learning comes from new challengers. When things start to become easy, then I might become complacent, which is bad for my business and my customers. If I want stay ahead of the competition, then I need to always pursue growth and be constantly learning new skills.

Jerry Low – Web Hosting Secret Revealed (WHSR)

Being the ultimate “blog ninja” that I am today, how could I choose a quote from anyone else besides the great Bruce Lee!

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee

This is one of my favorite quotes, and one to live by, as it allows one to be happy with themselves and whatever else they might be working on — such as a website, blog, or online business. Run your business the way you want, and take pride in it — and you will never have to ‘work’ a day in your life.

Hiroshi – Blog Ninja

Minuca Elena

“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom” – Jim Rohn

I challenge myself to become better and improve myself every single day. That means never stop learning and experimenting with new ways to grow my business.

For everyone, the day has 24 hours, but some people manage their time better. The difference consists in the way we focus on our priorities and how much we are willing to work to fulfill our dreams.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, but it’s so much more rewarding than being an employee. I get to organize my time as I wish, to travel where I like, and I am free to move anywhere in the world, even for a longer term.

Minuca Elena –


Venchito Tampon

Focus and scale. I’ve heard this from my SEO friend, John Doherty but I guess, there are other entrepreneurs who said the exact quote/phrase online. What I really like about the statement is that it’s somewhat counter-intuitive. Most of the time, business owners wanted to scale their business too quickly, not realizing that they’re going too far away from their focus (whether that’s their core values, the main USP or their product/service or the main reason why started their own business at the first place). That being said, the statement, “focus and scale” – gives you a profound idea that as you scale your business, you should remind yourself of your entire focus – your “why”.

Venchito Tampon –


Alex Morrison


I live by these words, in both my personal life and my business. It is so easy to waste your valuable time on things that don’t grow your business or fill you with joy. We live in a digital world where we have countless resources and tools at our fingertips that can help us to work less, earn more, and enjoy a better quality of life.

Being smart and strategic about where you invest your energy and effort (and always keeping your end goal in mind) will help you keep things in perspective. For example, why waste time invoicing your clients when you could use a free system that will send them automatically? Why waste an entire day struggling to create subpar graphics for your social media, when you could hire someone to do it and spend your day with paying clients instead? Think about it

Alex Morrison – Malamax Content Marketing


Srish Agrawal

“Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.” – Tena Desae

This is a quote I personally relate with, along with everyone in our organization as well. In short, it’s important to appreciate everything you have and if you are going to work towards something, you might as well make the most of it. This also includes accepting feedback from others, no matter if it’s good or bad. Follow this quote and you will not only be more likely to success, you will also likely be more happy in the process.

Srish Agrawal –


James Norquay

I like this quote by Michael Jordan, it shows you that sometimes in business you need to fail and learn before you can succeed in the long term. All business is a learning process and we make mistakes. We learn from these mistakes and we are better business people as a result of the learning process.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

James Norquay – Prosperity Media


Jacob Cass

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

The human mind is a powerful thing when focused, which is why positivity in business is crucial for success.

Jacob Cass –


David Leonhardt

I once attended a Zig Ziglar performance. I call it a “performance” because it was so much more than a just a motivational speech. It was a full experience. This was probably the most successful motivational speaker ever, his career built on his previous success as a salesman. But he told us how his success story began:

“I was not an overwhelming success. I was not even a whelming success. But I did sell a few things. I sold my car, I sold my TV.”

What is motivational about this quote is that failure can be whipped into success if you keep at it long enough and well enough.

David Leonhardt –


Arman Assadi

“Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands, like a sculptor the raw material he will fashion into a figure. But it’s the same with that type of artistic activity as with all others: We are merely born with the capability to do it. The skill to mold the material into what we want must be learned and attentively cultivated.” — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The main thing that we control in life is how we show up. This quote beautifully expresses that and shows the path to true life mastery.

Arman Assadi –


Nirav Dave

While there are many inspirational and motivating quotes by famous entrepreneurs, one that stands out for me is by Conrad Hilton, where he quotes, “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

I believe that in this competitive times, having an attitude of never ‘Quitting’ is extremely important no matter what our odds are, as this is what differentiates successful people from those who fail to make a mark. Also, having a positive and optimistic view of life, in general, is all important, as this, more often than not, translates into our work, allowing us to achieve the best in our chosen field.

Nirav Dave –


Gill Andrews

My favorite quote isn’t directly related to business or entrepreneurship, but I think it’s something every entrepreneur should keep in mind if they want to be successful:

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”

Over the years, I discovered that consistent small steps in one direction amount to greater results than occasional big jumps. But I find it hard stay focused while taking these small steps and not give into the temptation of instant gratification – checking my emails, my social media notifications, or even writing a blog post that I know won’t bring me any long-term benefits just for the sake of that great feeling of hitting “publish”.

Yet, when I remind myself that I need to choose between what I want now and what I want most, making the right choice becomes easier.

Gill Andrews –


Tim Bourquin

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

It’s always annoyed me when I was told, or heard someone say, “You are lucky!”. Being in the world of business, I know there is some luck involved, but at the end of the day it all comes down to the amount of time and work you put into something. Sure, some of us may have had some luck along the way, but luck will only get you so far.

Tim Bourquin –

James McAllister

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn

What you do when you are approached by a challenge says an immense amount about the type of person you are. I could not find the above quote to be more true.

I receive a lot of envy from the people around me – especially former friends who are now graduating college. There’s a lot of jealousy. A lot of hate. And I understand why – I am an easy target. Today my companies have partaken in over 100,000 transactions, I have new employees joining every month, and I have a lot of freedom over what I choose to do each day.

Despite it not being easy to run 3 companies, I’m faced with good problems rather than bad problems, and the future is bright. I’ve never been more excited than I am right now.

However, it hasn’t always been this way. While people see the success that’s come my way, what they didn’t notice was all that I gave up to get to this point. While my friends would go off campus to get lunch during high school, I would go to the computer lab and work. While others around me were out drinking and partying every weekend, I was at home, working until I’d pass out on my desk – or on the air mattress we kept in the office. While family took days off to celebrate holidays, I worked straight through them, so that one day I wouldn’t have to. And now while many around me end their education to begin the next chapters of their life, I spend more time than ever reading and learning – seeking continuous improvement of my skills and of my life.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and what we choose to do with it is a matter of priorities. If you willing to make success and personal growth a priority in your life, then in time you will achieve it. Sadly, most people aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to achieve extraordinary levels of success.

James McAllister –


Annie Sisk

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” ? Leonardo da Vinci I love this quote because, like da Vinci, I am hopelessly curious about so many — too many — things . (Unlike da Vinci, I’m no genius. Just pathologically curious.) But there’s a downside to this wonderfully sponge-like brain of mine: it gets distracted into paralysis way too often. It’s so much easier to sit down and read another book than to get out and do something, y’know? Uncle Leo reminds me to get off my gluteus maximus and take action.

Annie Sisk – Pajama Productivity


Brian Jackson

My favorite quote is from the American business tycoon John D. Rockefeller.

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”

I saved this quote way back in highschool and have used it for every career move and business decision I’ve made over the past decade. I think sometimes people get too comfortable in their own little bubble, but it’s important to remember that sometimes risks have great rewards. You only live once, so you don’t want to miss out!

This quote is also great for those that work with clients. As many know, there are definitely good clients and bad clients. The bad clients usually end up taking up 90% of your time. Don’t be afraid to say no to the bad ones and only focus on the good ones. This can be one of the best decisions you ever make, not to mention a lot less stressful.

Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to take some risks. I’ve learned more through failing than I’ve ever learned through succeeding.

Brian Jackson –


Harris Schachter

My favorite quote in the business world is from Henry Ford: “It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.” I love this because it is a timeless focus on customer experience and focusing on the user. Of course back then he was talking about designing Model A cars but it applies to any marketing strategy or digital product developed now or long in the future.

Harris Schachter – OptimizePrime


Michael Alexis

Back in January 2015, Elon Musk did an AMA on Reddit titled I am Elon Musk, CEO/CTO of a rocket company, AMA! In general, the community asked good questions, including some that were very technical. One of the most upvoted question, with 4163 points was “What daily habit do you believe has the largest positive impact on your life?” Elon responded, “Showering.”

You can call this a joke, or a tongue-in-cheek answer to a serious question, but I love it for two reasons. 1. Self care is important! And 2. Any entrepreneur knows that it’s easy to get carried away with the product or business you love, and forget to take care of the basics. Not Elon, he showers. I wrote about my own best tips here.

Michael Alexis –


Sue Ann Dunlevie

Richard Branson has said, “to launch a business means successfully solving problems” which I have turned into the personal maxim of “Sell the problem you solve”.

So many bloggers and solopreneurs get too caught up in the product or service they are offering. Their approach is mainly focused on why they are the best at what they do, rather than focusing on the client’s needs, frustrations, and challenges.

People don’t buy products and services. They buy the advantages that purchasing a certain service brings. Successful marketing and sales strategies are based on finding the problems that customers have and are ready to solve and then offering the solution for those problems.

Find the client’s pain points and then focus on the solution to that pain.

Sue Ann Dunlevie – Successful Blogging


Maddy Osman

I’m not sure that I have a favorite business/entrepreneur success quote, but I like this one:

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I just saw The Darkest Hour at the movies, and recently finished The Crown on Netflix, but Winston Churchill is such an intriguing person. He sticks to his guns and doesn’t let other people boss him around.

After spending a lot of time working on a recent article for 99Designs about failure, I’ve been thinking a lot about how this concept affects my own entrepreneurial journey. As Churchill hints at in the aforementioned quote, you can either let it rule you or use it as your motivation to move forward and try something else. I try to always strive for the latter situation!

Maddy Osman – The Blogsmith


David Reimherr

I assume many people might be quoting an inspirational quote (which I love) so I will go another route that is a bit more on the tactical side of things.

“Do not build your content house on rented land” is a quote from “The Godfather of Content Marketing”, Joe Pulizzi, that I reference pretty much every week.

This was Joe’s way of saying and warning people that you must have a focus on building your own audiences on platforms that you own (i.e. Email Subscribers, Your blog, Print Subscribers etc…) vs. on platforms that you don’t own (i.e. Social Media Platforms). The reason being is because at any point in time, these platforms can change and you might be affected greatly in a negative way. Just look at what happened with Facebook’s organic reach (only 1-3% of your followers see your organic posts) or worse, look at what happened to Twitters’ Vine (completely went away). Joe is not saying to not utilize these platforms or grow your following on them, but you shouldn’t rely on these platforms and should instead look to drive people to your subscriber lists and the blog on your site. Bottom line, at the end of the day, your goals should be to have full concentration on growing your content house on the land that you own and you will guard yourself against any big changes that are completely out of your control.

Here is a link to a podcast Joe produced where he talks about this in great detail.

David Reimherr – Magnificent Marketing


Madeleine Taylor

My favorite business/entrepreneur/success quote is “The difference between successful people and other is how long they spend feeling sorry for themselves”. This quote is by Barbara Corcoran who is a female entrepreneur and is currently on Shark Tank as an investor. I like it because I think it’s true. A lot of people who have experienced failure bask in their misery, pass the blame to others and make excuses. I think this is avoidance of the root cause of the failure. People refuse to be introspective and accept their failures as their own. Until you’re able to do this, you’ll never be able to address the root cause, and you’ll never be successful. The first step in all success stories is to experience a failure. The second step is to take accountability for it.

Madeleine Taylor – Content Refined


Andrea Loubier

“There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.” ? Sophia Amoruso, #GIRLBOSS

I love it because entrepreneurial experience and success emerges from many failures…you fail and then you learn and become more experienced. A lot of what we do as entrepreneurs we’ve never done before, so we just do. Sometimes we screw up but that is the greatest learning opportunity. It teaches you to get into the habit of seeking opportunities for your business, constantly.

Andrea Loubier –


Patrick Coombe

I really like this quote by Warren Buffet because it applies so much to online marketing:

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

I’ve read a few books where this quote is torn apart and analyzed, but its also ok to look at this quote in its most simplistic form. When we talk about growing online businesses we need to think more about the value of them. How are you truly helping people? I see so many people throwing up websites with regurgitated information just repeating the same information re-written with new grammar and it is sad seeing people ask “why am I not making any money.” Same with products if you have an eCommerce website that is essentially the same products as every other website, how is it different? How are you helping people? Competing with online retailers like or Alibaba is getting harder and harder each and every year. The only hope for most smaller retailers is to create small niche communities that stand out from the rest.

Patrick Coombe – Elite Strategies


Danny Donchev

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffett

This gives you an opportunity to learn and grow your business faster. First, because you will save time learning from their mistakes and second they will help you to grow your network.

When you have the influential people in your industry on your side it is easier to spread the word about your product or services. Influencer marketing is exploding in the last few years and provides the highest ROI.

Building strong relationships pays off.

Danny Donchev –


Cody McLain

It’s a philosophical quote, that ironically has very little to do with Business and more to do with the mental health of the business owner. The quote by Lucius Annaeus Seneca and also known simply as Seneca is about practicing poverty.

He says, “Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: ‘Is this the condition that I feared?’”

By practising poverty, you begin to eliminate its hold on you and you can free yourself from the fear of financial ruin. In 2018, in order to run a tight ship and remain lean and agile, this will be a must!

Cody McLain –


Marcus Miller

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I have been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again. That is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

I really love this quote. For me, it epitomises my feelings about business and marketing. My SEO agency, Bowler Hat, is all self-funded. I have no financial backing and no investors. Every step forward has been based on lessons from failure. It is this experience that makes me a good marketer and a careful business owner. Equally, marketing is a game of micro failures, learn what works, learn what does not work, remove wasted effort. Strive for constant improvement. True success only comes from being able to handle the knocks and keep moving forward.

This is perfectly explained by another favourite of mine, this time a fictional character:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” – Rocky Balboa

Marcus Miller –


Anil Agarwal

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese proverb

The best time to launch a blog was 10 years ago. The second best time is now. Starting a blog is REALLY easy. You can even launch it within 5 minutes and start creating content to grow your audience. So you don’t any other stronger motivation to get started. Just start and network your way through to increase your online reputation as a blogger.

Anil Agarwal –


Ivana Taylor

I’m going to quote myself: “Marketing isn’t about what you DO, it’s about who you ARE.” I came to this observation back in 2006 as social media was starting out and it was confirmed to me as more and more traditional brands became victims of having their marketing messages challenged by actual experiences by customers i.e. United Airlines issues with passengers, the BP oil spill and even prominent individuals Tweeting their thoughts which go against the work of their expensive marketing and PR folks. Those entrepreneurs who can integrate their brand with who they are as human beings will not only have an easier time marketing, they will be more successful.

Ivana Taylor –


Evgeniy Garkaviy

My favourite success quote, is one allegedly said by the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison. This amazing inventor was said to have tried hundreds, maybe thousands of different approaches to invent the light bulb, and failed. People who knew him asked why he had not given up, haven failed so many times. This determined inventor said to them “I have NOT failed a thousand times; I have discovered 1,000 ways not to invent the light bulb!”. His dogged determination eventually bear fruit, in the light bulb we all take for granted these days. The moral of the story is that, don’t let failure stop you, learn from your failure, modify your approach to tackling a problem and you may eventually succeed.

Evgeniy Garkaviy – Temi Web Hosting



“What do you want to do for the rest of your life? Do that!” – Gary Vaynerchuk

For me this is why I’m in business and it also feels like one of the great answers to happiness and life. We’re not here to work, we’re here to live, so it makes total sense to do what we love. Gary’s approach to work and life is one I very much resonate with.

Todd – Spaghetti Agency


Andy Sowards

I always come back to the guy who took all of our imaginations and design aspirations by storm – Apple’s Steve Jobs. His quote easily changed my mindset of the world and my life with the simple quote:

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is – everything around you that you call life, was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.”

The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will, you know if you push in, something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it. That’s maybe the most important thing. It’s to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it.

That quote gives YOU the power to take hold of your own life. No one is going to do it for you, but you can do it, for yourself – and people have. Just having the proof that a human is capable of this amount of change should make you never again hesitate to do your best every single day to make something great, or move towards that goal you have been working towards your whole life.

Andy Sowards –


Peter Sandeen

“You’re responsible for everything in your life.” (Probably said by 99% of successful people in history.) You made a lot of sales because you built a good product and marketed it well. You’re busy because you took on too many commitments. You’re healthy because you prioritized eating right, good exercise, sleeping… over unhealthy indulgences or comfort. Sure, there are outside forces that affect your life—sometimes significantly. But if you hold on to an attitude of looking at what’s in your life realistically and taking responsibility for it, you can get far. If you blame others, cosmic injustice, bad luck, genetics, or anything else for negative things, then you’ll only be successful if you get unbelievably lucky. Don’t waste your time relying on things you can’t control. And the only thing you can control is your decisions right now.

Peter Sandeen –


Rafi Chowdhury

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – MARK TWAIN

Why? Because it’s all about doing it now and today. There is no better time to do anything than today. So, why not now? And if not now, then when??
Rafi Chowdhury – Chowhury’s Digital


Jordyn Wegner

My favorite quote is, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” from Mark Twain. This quote is so simple yet holds so much veracity, it’s easy for people (myself included) to come up with amazing ideas and grand plans of how we are going to execute our ideas but none of that means anything if we don’t actually do it. Instead of being like so many others who don’t ever move beyond their idea, get head and actually do something.

Jordyn Wegner –


Ruben Gamez

My favorite business success quote changes depending on what I feel needs to be improved. Right now, my favorite quote comes from Jeff Bezos and his 2016 letter to shareholders.

He says this about making risky business decisions: “If you’re good at course correcting, being wrong may be less costly than you think, whereas being slow is going to be expensive for sure.”

I feel like over the last year or so we’ve slowed progress because we’re trying to be perfect with everything. We’re trying to not make the wrong decision. Maybe we’re making decisions that are a little better, but I don’t feel the trade-off (where we move slower) is worth it. I’d rather move faster and make slightly more mistakes because, as Jeff Bezos says, “it’s often less costly to course correct”.

Ruben Gamez –


Vipin Nayar

Don’t build links, build relationships – Rand Fishkin, Moz

This is one of the success mantras that I have been following throughout my digital marketing days. It is not about the links that you create, but it is about the relationships that you are building. Of course, you can create any number of links, but expanding and forming new relationships should be your focus. Relationships easily lead to networking. Creating a chain of relationships will carry your business goals far and wide, which is the major aim of our businesses. So, when you create links to ensure that you are connecting with genuine businesses that are in fact popular with a handsome number of rankings over the search engines as this will further fuel your chances of winning the rat race.

Your aim must be to satisfy your customers as the customer is your king and engagement is the queen. Only when your customers connect, engagement happens and your business flourishes.

Vipin Nayar – Acodez


Ola Rybacka

Quote: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” – Walt Disney

Even if we aren’t sure about what we should do, at some point we have to try something, see what the results are. Then address the problems, adjust our approach, then try it again as often as it’s necessary. But there is just one condition: we have to stop talking. Nothing happens when we’re just talking about our plans for the future, nothing changes! All we need is to make the first step and turn the words into efforts.

Once we’ve stopped talking and started doing, we may find ourselves surprised at how much we can accomplish and how powerful we are. The first results wouldn’t be as high as you expected, but that’s the way our lives go.

Analyze what you did and what happened recently, then do something different next time, but never stop doing. Grab some piece of paper and make a list of things you’ve spent too much time on just thinking about them instead of acting. Try to write it down every month to check the progress. But remember to follow this strategy not only in business-related part of your life. To enjoy the full effect, you need to apply it to your private, home or social matters, etc.
Prepare for disasters and other things that may change your attitude. I know that it’s easy to say, but just be patient – it’ll be much easier to quit talking and start doing!

Ola Rybacka –


Sean Si

“Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.” – Thomas Edison

We are firm believers in experimentation, as trying out new things will help us grow more as a company. We are aware of the many challenges that we encounter during this long process, but in the end, we all see it as one big learning experience no matter the outcome.

Sean Si – SEO Hacker


Ben Brausen

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” -Mike Tyson

I think this quote highlights the failure many businesses have in planning and adjusting when their plan doesn’t go exactly as initially hoped. Many things can change between planning, execution, and completion. You need to ability to adapt and pivot, should the unplanned appear (and it frequently does). We see plenty of business failures happen when organizations don’t or can’t adjust their plan with the ever-changing market. Any business that fails to be able to do so, ends up like the opponent on the receiving end of a Mike Tyson right-hook.

Ben Brausen –


Brett Langlois

My favorite quote about success is an old one attributed to Thomas Edison. Although the exact wording is in dispute, the story goes that when asked by a reporter about the incredible difficulties he faced when finding a suitable filament for the light bulb, Edison responded, “I have not failed once. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

This quote reveals the importance of learning from “failures” and reframing them as successes. Failure is an inevitable part of life, and the most important thing is to grow from it. If you can reframe “I failed at this” to “I succeeded in learning not to do this”, it will keep you motivated on your way to where you want to go and discourage you from giving up.

Brett Langlois – Pure SEO


Jane Sheeba

My favourite business quote is mine:

Entrepreneurship is a mindset, a lifestyle. It is not something you take upon. It is something you become.

I love this quote and consider it as a very crucial integration within my mind in order to succeed in business. I see so many business owners take up entrepreneurship as a physical state. They see it as a position (like that of a CEO of a company) – being a CEO of a company doesn’t necessarily make you an entrepreneur.

To me, its all about the mindset. You need to change your mindset and your lifestyle. You become an entrepreneur by changing your mindset and lifestyle accordingly. It is not a job or a position you take upon. It is something you become! This clarity about entrepreneurship is what drives me in the right direction.

Jane Sheeba – Learn.Jane Sheeba


Ammar Ali

My favorite quote is:

“Every master was once a beginner. Every pro was once an amateur.” – Robin

When I feel like I am a beginner and have no idea what to do. I remember this quote. It’s so powerful if one can realize the deep meaning of it. Every master has gone through up and down in their struggling time. They were once a beginner just like us. They kept working hard and at the end became master. Keeping this quote in mind when starting anything new will push you to limits and one day you will become the master of what you do. When someone tells me how hard it is to start something, I share this quote with them to boost their confident that one day they’ll also become expert.

Ammar Ali – All Blogging Tips


Lorraine Reguly

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

This closely relates to another favorite of mine, by Albert Einstein: “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

Both of these quotes are found in How to Achieve Entrepreneurial Excellence – 3 Ways, alongside many more awesome quotes.

I like these quotes because the focus is on the person, not the business. After all, a business can earn a truckload of money, but if you are not happy with yourself and the person you are, then what’s the point of having money? Money can’t buy health. It can’t buy happiness. It can’t cure your disease (if you have Cancer, for example). It can only enhance your life IF YOU ARE ALREADY A GOOD PERSON.

I’ve been through a lot in my life and have suffered many hardships along with several traumas. Many people know I was raped. Many know I used to be a drug addict and a prostitute. Some know that I nearly died (and had an epiphany as a result). Some know that I used to have suicidal thoughts on a constant basis… and that I learned to overcome them (which is why I wrote FROM NOPE TO HOPE).

I can honestly say NOW that I am happy.

I now use motivational quotes as ONE source of staying positive on a regular basis. I also use positive affirmations.

All I can say now is this: If Emerson and Einstein were still alive, they would both be proud of the businesswoman I’ve become!

Lorraine Reguly –


Mandy McEwen

I have so many favorite quotes on business and entrepreneurship, but at this point in my entrepreneurial journey, I would have to say this quote by Rockefeller is at the top of my list of favorites:

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. – John D. Rockefeller

Perseverance is why I’m sitting here at one of my favorite weekend getaway spots in Northern California, overlooking a beautiful lake as I type this response to you. It is the sole reason why I’ve been able to follow my dreams and pursue my passions for nearly a decade. It is how I launched numerous digital products in the last year (something I’ve been wanting to do for years) while still growing my agency client base. And perseverance will be the reason I meet my growth goals this year of helping hundreds of startup agencies and entrepreneurs achieve massive success.

So if there is 1 word that sums up my entrepreneurial journey, it’s perseverance.

Mandy McEwen – Mod Girl Marketing


Fervil Von Tripoli

I’ve compiled the SEO quotes which have helped me hustle in online marketing every single day but here are my latest favorites for:


“The job on top is a lonely one. But if you want to lead, you have to be one of the troops too.” – Liew Mun Leong, Changi Airport Group Chairman

I love this quote because I personally acknowledge how hard it is to be on the top of everything for a startup business. As the decision maker, there will be point of time that it’s all left to your hands. Making business decisions for a startup is crucial. You will need to consider everything and everyone. I feel that if you want to be a good leader, you don’t want to hoard every decision you make inside the company. I personally think that the best way to make things work for your business is to listen to what your staffs say to you: the difficulties they encounter daily, their strategies on how to be efficient and effective on what they do, and even their suggestions on how to make things better.


“Ideas are s**t, execution is the game.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

You can consume all the best planning and strategy on how to make money and become a successful entrepreneur but it will be futile unless you work it out in actual and do the dirty sh*t.


Embrace the suck.” – David Goggins

We all want to be successful but most people wanted to get it the easy way. There is no easy way. If it’s 4 in the morning and you still don’t want to get up, you get up. You don’t want to do the dishes at home, you do the dishes. You don’t want to clean the house, you clean the house. You don’t want to study, you study. Bottom line, you do something that suck everyday in your life. It’s a matter of time until you make it your lifestyle. That’s how you grow.

Fervil Von Tripoli –


Marc Guberti

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” —Napoleon Hill

Our minds are more powerful than we realize. This quote reminds me to continuously visualize my success so I can achieve that success in my life. If I doubt my ability to accomplish a goal, I either stop pursuing that goal or change my mindset until I believe in my ability to accomplish that goal. I only pursue the goals I conceive and believe because that will allow me to achieve. I strengthen my mindset by continuous education so I can continue pursuing and accomplishing big goals.

Marc Guberti –


Eni Odurinde

“Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re going to fail in everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, my dear?” – Marilyn Monroe

I could see the reflection of this quote in a business motivation book that I read. Colonel Saunders, the founder of the well-known, global fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), had a tough time getting started. Colonel Saunders is always praised by his friends and family for his tasty friend chicken. Upon retirement, Colonel Saunders wrote a business plan based on establishing a fried chicken outlet. He was turned down by his bank. He went to other potential investors, he was turned down again and again. This really determined pensioner did not let the rejection and doors slammed on his face stop him, he kept knocking on door of potential investors. Eventually someone said yes! He got the funding he needed to start his first KFC outlet.

Eni Odurinde –


Make Money Online Ideas

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet” – Bobby Unser

After reading through our awesome list of 50+ entrepreneur and success quotes, I’m sure you are quite excited to get back to work. Take the motivation you received from this article and put it into whatever you are currently trying to achieve in both life and business.

If you’d like to learn more about how to grow your own blog, brand or business online, be sure to check out a few of my best resource guides below.

I hope you enjoyed this expert round up and additional resources above. Be sure to contact me with any questions or new opportunities you might have.



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