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Thursday 17 May 2018

Top 10 Online Sources to Find Freelance Writers [ad_1]

Editor’s Note: This blog post originally appeared in Jan 2015. It has been updated to reflect offering changes, as well as newly available tools and solutions.

Content creation is arguably one of the most important aspects of marketing your business. It is a representation of who you are as a brand and it bridges the gap between you and your customers. But, not everyone is skilled in the art of content creation, or do they may not have the time.

Enter the freelancer.

Freelancers are independent contractors who will work with you, offering their professional and creative services to create content that spurs engagement and builds your brand. However, not all freelancers are created equal and finding the good ones can require a bit of internet sleuthing. But, relax, we’ve done the hard work for you.

Here are 10 sources to find professional freelancers and the occasional guest post to fill in the gaps.


Guru is a freelancing platform with over 3 million members worldwide. With that type of user base, it’s impossible to not find the talent you’re looking for. Guru also makes working with freelancers super easy by providing all the tools to easily communicate, set milestones and share files. There’s no need to work outside of Guru, because the details are taken care of for you. You can search for freelance talent based on price, experience and reputation.


Big brands like yours can easily connect with top quality freelance writers through the BlogDash content community. Joining this platform makes blogger outreach easier than ever.


Do you need high quality freelancers that will produce professional level content, and do it quickly? Check out Textbroker. They’re focused on providing businesses with content that builds reputation. The pricing structure is streamlined, and you pay based on the level of service you’re looking for.


Post your topic and have it completed from anywhere in the world with UpWork. Hire top talent, and only pay for work that suits your writing qualifications.


Freelancer lets you get skilled bids from freelance writers in minutes. View freelancer profiles and pick the ones you want to work for you.


Guest writers can come to Guestcrew to post their best articles, and brands can come to the site to find the content relevant their niche. Register an account today to start recruiting for your guest blogging campaign!

Writers Access

Writers Access isn’t the largest freelancing platform, but that doesn’t matter because what you’re getting is quality instead of quantity. They’ll connect you with freelancers based in the United States that are qualified to write professional level content for your business. Pricing is based on a quality and difficulty structure that takes into account various factors.


Contently is one of the leading content creation platforms. It caters more to larger businesses who deal with massive amounts of content. While not necessarily suited for the small business owner, if you anticipate serious growth and content creation needs, Contently has the professional freelancers who will help you meet all of your goals.


ProBlogger is different from the other entries here in the fact that it isn’t a freelance platform, but instead a job posting board. Businesses post their content creation needs, which are then fed along to highly qualified freelancers. You set the requirements and the pricing for your job, receive applications and find the best talent for your growing content needs.

Media Bistro

Well respected by the industry, Media Bistro has a job listing section that’s popular with media and content creation freelancers. Posting your job on this site will put you in front of a huge audience of freelancers all waiting to help build your brand with winning content.

Using one of the above resources will give you an edge in content creation over your competitors, especially those that fail to invest in search-optimized content. This allows you to increase your customer base as a result of focusing on sales and client relationships while still being able to attract visitors through content marketing.

Looking for more content marketing assistance for your business? Find experienced Content Agency partners in our Top Local Agency Marketplace!

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Leilani Wertens Headshot

Leilani Wertens

Leilani is an established digital marketing professional, fine art and editorial photographer, and journalist. She has over 10 years of experience writing, editing, and publishing content for the web.


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