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Wednesday 21 February 2018

Four Ways to Incorporate Video Content Into Your Marketing Strategy [ad_1]

In addition to guest posting on the UpCity blog, Lemonlight is featured as one of the Top Video Production Companies in Los AngelesCheck out their profile here.

If content is king, then video content is queen. You’ve read all the statistics and the think pieces, viewed an explainer video or two, and even watched as other brands knocked it out of the park. You likely had that fleeting thought: “that should be me.” Maybe you’ve even tried it a couple times, and it worked! Or it didn’t, because the quality wasn’t there, or you didn’t know the best ways to use video to accomplish your goals. Either way, you know need to incorporate video production into your company’s marketing strategy – but have you put any thought behind what type of content you should make and how you should be using it?

If the answer is no, have no fear, because it’s actually a lot simpler to figure out than you might think. Here’s a quick and easy four-part breakdown on how you can incorporate video production into your content marketing strategy based on your goals.

Goal #1 – Attract New Customers

BurgerFi – Evergreen Commercial from Lemonlight Media on Vimeo.

One of the most common (and important) goals of any marketing strategy involves attracting new customers to your brand. This includes attracting more visitors to your website and industry pages, drawing more followers to your social media accounts, and reaching more eyeballs for your brand in relevant search results. One familiar way companies have been using video production to attract new customers is through advertising. Traditionally, this has been through television commercials, but over the last two decades, more and more advertising dollars have been spent online, leading to more businesses using their videos for things like native ads, banner placement, pop-up windows, PreRoll, and more recently Facebook and Twitter ads.

By using video content in your advertising channels, you are able to educate and inspire prospects while quickly and effectively introducing new people to your brand. Check out these types of videos to attract new people to your business.

  • Commercial: Typically a short, attention grabbing video that highlights your best features.

  • Promo Videos: Like a commercial but more specific. Promo videos are usually promoting a specific marketing initiative or sale.

  • Industry / Educational Videos: These videos highlight the opportunities within your industry as a whole, but not necessarily your brand. In these videos, you’re targeting people that may not even realize they have a problem.

  • Before and After Videos: These help viewers instantly understand what you’re offering and helps them visualize it for themselves.

  • Product or Service Video: Lead with your best selling products or services. If your current customers already love them, there’s a chance new customers will too.

Goal #2 – Engage Your Visitors

Video Example:

Ruiven (Kudrone) – Brand Video // Crowdlight from Lemonlight Media on Vimeo.

As you know, once a prospective customer lands on your page, you only have a few seconds to share information about your brand and capture their attention. Video production has been proven to be one of the most captivating mediums to consumers. According to Wordstream, companies that include videos on their website reportedly see boosts in session duration by 340 percent and pages viewed per session up by 127 percent. Not only that, video has also been proven to deliver more information to consumers than any other medium available, which is why 71 percent of consumers say think product videos explain the product better.

Here are a few ways you can you use video production to engage your visitors.

  • Brand Videos: These videos offer a high level overview of your company’s brand, mission, and style.

  • Day in the Life Videos: Shows how your company or a customer operates on the day to day, not just through beautiful imagery and catchy mission statements.

  • Crowdfunding Video: Used to help sell your company’s purpose and vision to would-be campaign backers and future customers.

  • Testimonials: This type of video can show potential customers how someone else benefited by using your product or service in their own words.

Goal #3 – Nurture Your Prospects

SusieCakes – Social Media 06 // Lemonlight from Lemonlight Media on Vimeo.

If your marketing strategy has done its job, then you’ve probably accomplished some combination of the first two goals above. However, many visitors that love your products or services (or have seen your flashy video production) may not be ready to buy. By sharing ongoing video content, you can nurture these leads and effectively provide them with ongoing value. By continuously sharing content, you remain at top of their mind so that when they are ready to buy, they think of you first. Nurturing videos are often shared through social media channels, email marketing, ebooks, webinars, and other content channels where your prospective customers are exposed to you and your content most often.

A few examples of types of videos you can produce to help nurture your prospects include the following:

  • Social Content Videos: This content offers shorter, bite-sized snippets of information meant to be shared on social media.

  • Product Review Videos: Give potential prospects a third party opinion on your product, like from an influencer or a customer.

  • Before and After Videos: Meant to aid the prospective customer in visualizing themselves using your product or service.

  • Customer Spotlights: Highlight a particular customer who had a great experience that turned them into an advocate for your brand.

  • FAQ videos: These videos put you two steps ahead by providing answers to frequently asked questions to save both your customers and your sales team a lot of time.

  • Event Videos: Showcase your company in action and engaging with the world by hosting or participating in a cool event.

Goal #4 – Delight Your Customers

Harvard Westlake // Admissions from Lemonlight Media on Vimeo.

The last reason to incorporate video content into your marketing strategy is to delight your audience. This goal is all about enhancing your customer’s experience by sharing videos that show them how get the most out of their product or service, or inspire them and keep them engaged with your brand. You can even use video production to ask for referrals or share updated promotions to rebuy your services and build stronger brand-loyalty. Plus, a well-crafted, beautiful video can sometimes be just pure fun to watch!

Some types of videos you can use to delight your customers include:

  • Welcome Videos: Meant to be sent right after a customer signs up to make them feel special and included.

  • Thank You Videos: Send this type of video right after a customer makes a purchase to show them that you appreciate that they chose you.

  • Tutorial Videos: These videos provide customers with the best possible experience by getting in front of any questions or confusion they might have.

  • Tips and Tricks Videos: This type of content keeps customers enthralled by making them feel like insiders. Give them access to content that they might look up elsewhere.

  • Referral Video: Create a referral video with benefits and incentives for customers who share your brand, creating loyalty and opening the door for your company to go viral.

Bonus – Video Content Can Help your Internal Team as Well!

In the same ways that video content can be used for your marketing strategy, your company can use a video production company to attract, connect, and inspire your internal team as well.

TJ Maxx // Brand Video from Lemonlight Media on Vimeo.

Made (in)famous by cheesy instructional videos from the 80’s and early 90s, company videos get a bad rap, but with some creativity and high quality video production, they can be incredibly beneficial to your company culture and better connect you with your team.  It might not be your first idea or lead to immediate external results, but even just boosting morale and company community always results in a happier, healthier workplace. Some examples include:

  • Welcome or Training Videos: Help your managers avoid sharing the same information repeatedly by creating videos your team can watch on their own time.

  • Recruitment Videos: Creating and sharing recruitment videos can help attract top talent from all over the world.

  • Year-End Highlights Videos: Wrap up one year and share goals for the upcoming one with a year-in-review style highlight video.

  • Holiday or Event Videos: Filming a holiday party or launch event can lead to your internal team feeling part of a community as they look back on themselves celebrating with coworkers.

  • Team Videos: Build camaraderie and show off your team by producing a unique team video that shows why your team is the best

In Summary – Video Can Do It All

There are many ways to incorporate video content into your marketing strategy, so to help you decide what type of content to start with, first decide what goal you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to attract new visitors? Nurture prospective leads? Delight current clients? Or engage your community?

Whichever you choose, remember that just because you’re investing in video content, doesn’t mean you have to try to manage it all yourself. Working with an external video production team can help save time, increase overall quality, and lower the overall cost of trying to produce everything on your own from scratch. But don’t let any of the above be a barrier to keep you from committing to using video content as part of your marketing strategy – you and I both know you’ll only be more behind the longer you wait! It’s 2018 – the time is now!

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Hope headshot

Hope Horner

Hope Horner is a three-time entrepreneur that has been featured in Inc.'s Top 25 Entrepreneurs to watch in 2017, Entrepreneur's 11 Marketing Experts that Could Changes Your Business, and Pepperdine’s 40 Under 40. Horner is a regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc. and multiple other publications where she shares startup insights and scalable solutions. She is currently working on her third startup, Lemonlight, an LA-based business that produces and distributes branded video content at scale.


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