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Saturday 1 September 2018

Increase Your Website Traffic - High Paying Affiliate Programs


The first thing to do before you start putting effort into increasing your website traffic is to get a detailed insight into your current traffic, of course.

The best way to achieve this is by using Google Analytics and the following essential metrics: pages per visit, unique visitors, average session duration (or the time spent on your website), page views, traffic sources, bounce rate, and exit pages.

Once you have done this, you are advised to check your traffic on a regular basis – no less than 3-4 times a week. This regular checkup will help you determine whether you should be making some improvements, and it will show what is working the best for you.

In addition, you need to come up with a documented content marketing strategy. In fact, according to research conducted by the Content Marketing Institute, more than 60 percent of business organizations that have a documented content marketing strategy are managing to meet their objectives.

In order to achieve this, you should include the following types of content in your strategy: infographics, videos, blogs, and podcasts.

Apart from this, coming up with more engaging blog headlines is what will enable you to really sell your content. So, pay attention to relevant keywords, and by any means avoid headlines which are too generic and too lengthy.

When it comes to the content itself, it is needless to say that it should be compelling, informative, and easy to read, so make sure your paragraphs are short and concise.

Moreover, including some attractive images will make your website more visually appealing – according to Socialbakers, “Photos make up 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook”.

2. Improve sales with live chat

Live chat for websites is designed to allow both your active customers and your leads to contact your company’s customer support agents whenever they have some problems or questions.

Today’s customers are all about convenience – if a person needs to wait for hours and, in some cases, even days, to get their problems addressed and fixed effectively, it is highly likely that they will decide to turn to some of your competitors.

Luckily, live chat for websites will help you to go an extra mile to show each of your website visitors that they are truly valuable to your organization.

Not only that you will be able to improve sales with live chat, but it will also enable your customer support agents to be more productive than ever before.

Other amazing benefits live support for website is guaranteed to provide your entire organization with include: reduced costs, improved customer loyalty and the overall customer experience, quicker problem resolution, insightful reports and analytics which will enable you to pinpoint any potential pain points, competitive advantages, proactive outreach, expanded market reach, and many more.

3. Make the use of social media platforms


Read_more MMO mastermind

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