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Wednesday 22 August 2018

As the Search Engine Turns - Part 2


On the last episode of As the Search Engine turns, a recent Google update had SEO in a nasty funk. Her best friend, Social Media Advertising, advised her to get a man!

After thinking about it, SEO decided to give in and go against everything she was raised to believe. PPC was waiting on her with open arms.

But on the very first date, he brings up the family businesses. Does he actually want her or is he trying to tap into what she and her friends and family can offer him? Can they really mix business with pleasure?

We might find out in our newest episode. Read on!

Chapter 4

“He used ‘work together’ and ‘dominate the SERPs’ in the same sentence?” SMA screeched into the receiver.

“Yeah. I didn’t really know what to say after that.”

“Well, how was dinner? Did you order the salmon?”

SEO chuckled. “No. I just had a salad an a piece of cake for dessert.”

“That’s not what I would have wanted for dessert.”

“SMA! Have you no shame?”


“We have school tomorrow. I’m going to hit the sack. Good night.”

SEO hung up and rolled on to her back, staring at the ceiling. Her mind started to drift. Why would PPC ask about joining forces? And why would he do it on a date? Is he even really interested in me?

Chapter 5

SEO found a note in her locker the next morning. This had never happened to her. She was everyone’s friend but no one shared their secrets. It was kind of an always the bridesmaid, never the bride kind of thing. Everyone knew her. But she wasn’t popular. The other boys didn’t drool over her. Not the way the girls drooled over PPC.

She opened the piece of paper that had been folded several times, like a black hatter’s link building scheme. The thought made her shudder. PPC didn’t need to do black hat. He and his family had all of the money they needed to help their clients get whatever they wanted.

Hey, SEO. I’m really sorry about last night. I don’t know what got into me. Sometimes, I just get really into marketing and making businesses grow. I’m always at the top of the SERPs, but everyone knows I’m an ad. I really want to learn more about you. I’ve always admired you and respected you from a distance. But I shouldn’t have gone into talking about the family business like I did. Give me another chance? <3 PPC

She shut her locker door and walked to class. It was like PPC was in her head. Why couldn’t she see inside of his?

First period dragged and so did second. She stopped by her locker on the way to third and PPC was waiting on her. Her heart started to race. She could feel her ears burning.

“Hey,” he said with his famous charismatic smile.


That was the best she could do. Dating the hottest guy in school was going to take a bit of getting used to.

He reached out and took her hand into his. “Will you sit with me at lunch today? Just the two of us?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll see you then.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek and walked away like nothing had ever happened. But to SEO, being this close to PPC felt strange. And good.

It was like he was trying to drive her crazy.

Chapter 6

The lunch bell finally rang. SEO pulled her brown bag lunch out of her backpack and headed for the cafeteria. She found PPC there sitting at a small table. She sat across from him and smiled.

“You sure are good at playing it cool,” she said.

“I’m really infatuated with you. Everyone talks about SEO and how great you are. Google is filled with all kinds of statistics about you and your work. Did you know 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is a top priority? You’re a big deal.”

“I take a lot of time to work. Most marketers don’t appreciate me like they should.”

“That’s why they like me so much. Instant gratification.”

“Everything looks better at the top of the SERPs.”

“I suppose. And here we are talking about work again.”

“You started it. Again.”

“I just want to learn from you.”

“Is that all you want.”

PPC bit his bottom lip, just like he had the evening before. “I think we make a fine pair. You get a lot of traffic but what I do is honed. Visitors that come to a site through a PPC link are 50% more likely to buy something than someone who came from an organic search.”

“I had no idea.” She eyed PPC, noticing just how ripped he was under his paper-thin, skin-tight designer shirt. “That’s some serious online marketing muscle you’ve got there.”

“I’m not just a pretty face. And neither are you.”

Chapter 7

“Wow. This boy knows what to say to a girl, doesn’t he?” said SMA. “When you’re done, can I have him? I could do a lot with him. Both in a Google search and without one, if you know what I mean.”

“I don’t think I’m going to be done with him any time soon.”

SMA sighed, “That’s a shame. PPC can boost brand awareness by 80%. That’s a pretty serious statistic. Social media marketers love brand awareness. You know, mixing business with pleasure can be a good thing”

“You’re right. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I think it’s time that I give it a shot.”

To Be Continued

It looks like things between PPC and SEO are progressing nicely. But SMA is having no problem admitting she wouldn’t mind hooking up with SEO’s new man.

Will SEO and PPC become the ultimate power couple? With PPC’s brand awareness boosting power and high conversation rate, SEO doesn’t know quite what to do with herself.

She needs to stop dilly-dallying around. PPC is one of the hottest boys on the market at Google High School. Not everyone is as nice as she is. You never know who might try to pluck him right out of her hands.

Stay tuned for the next episode of As the Search Engine Turns. Things are just heating up.


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