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Saturday 24 March 2018

How Color is Important in Your Content Strategy [ad_1]

An effective content marketing strategy has many different elements and each one has to be tested to find if it works within your niche. You have to put together a strategy that resonates with your audience or you won’t be able to increase conversions or meet your bottom line. The only problem is, with content marketing, you have to test and tweak several elements and this can take time. For example, so far, what I’ve learned is that:

  • Topics play a crucial role

  • Depth content definitely helps with conversions

  • Have the right call to actions in the right place

  • Structure matters (intro, body, sub-headings, and conclusion)

  • Avoid too many banners

  • Avoid clutter

All of these factors should be tweaked until you have achieved optimal conversion rates. Another thing to note is you have several resources available that will provide you with case studies you can follow then implement into your content marketing.

Today, I’ll be going over something I learned NOT too long ago and it explores the importance of color in content marketing. Did you know the colors within your content and on your website will be able to build trust, loyalty, hope, etc.? To the ordinary blogger, this doesn’t matter, but to a master, it will be huge for engagement and profits.

Let’s explore this strategy in more depth and find out how you can use color in your content marketing strategy.

Why it Matters

First, content marketing is all about having a psychological impact on your readers. The more you can get in tune with their mentality or emotional state, the higher the chances of achieving a conversion. For example, if I can raise a feeling of trust, then the visitor is more inclined to read and follow instructions within my content. This is what truly distinguishes you from your competition because you’re better at building a bond with your reader. However, keep in mind, it’s NOT just about color elements within your content because color is present throughout your entire website. This is why finding the right combination is very important.

Here’s a cool statistic before going any further:

90% of snap decision is solely made based on color.” (source:

Perceiving Color

Here’s a quick breakdown of what has been researched and concluded about how we perceive different colors. Go through the list and implement what you can into your web design and content strategy. It’s also important to note that every niche will have its different authority colors, which is why you have to keep testing and tweaking along the way. Let’s jump into the color fundamentals.

Red – Represents passion, excitement, and strength. This is why you have the color “RED” present on dating websites or blogs. The emotion of passion often draws us into love and keeps us engaged in the content longer. You’ll also notice love based content will include images with the color red, too.

Orange – Represents confidence and energy. From your experience, you’ll notice many weight loss and nutrition websites will use this color a lot. Banners and images will also incorporate the use of orange.

Green – Represents growth, nature, and wealth. From my experience, I’ve noticed two types of websites will focus on incorporating this color within their site. Nature sites use green to reflect tree, plant growth, and financial because everyone loves the color of money.

Blue – Represents confidence, trust, and independence. This is a much harder color to explain, but it’s used by many websites mainly because of its neutral effect. Many people also use it because this color works well with other powerful colors like the next ones listed.

Black and Gray – These colors usually represent balance and sophistication. You’ll notice the color gray can go with almost all the others listed and can be tweaked for all types of fonts. Depending on the shade, you can use gray for font color or the background of buttons to display darker font text. Understanding the color back is very simple because many people use it for text. It just helps with visibility and understanding content better.

Wrapping it up…

I simply spoke about the fundamentals of color and how they apply to web design especially content marketing. However, it’s important to keep some of these additional tips in mind going forward…

First, think about “size” and how it affects the color you’re using. For example, black font is perfect as long as the size is 14px to 15px because anything bigger will be harsh on the users’ mind. Secondly, you want to keep the effect bright colors will have on the user experience, especially their eyes, in mind. You’ve probably noticed colors like pink, bright green, or bright yellow were NOT mentioned above. From my experience, these colors are hard on the eyes and can push away visitors from your blog.

Web design and content marketing is all about finding what works through constant testing and tweaking. Don’t be afraid to test different elements because when you can engage your audience, it helps increase conversions and profits.

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