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Thursday 18 December 2014

ISIS Blasts Scorpion Bombs To Spread Terror In Iraq

ISIS  has designed a new psychological weapon – scorpion bombs – in order to spread panic and strike fear among their enemies and innocent local population in Iraq.
Canisters of the deadly creatures are blasted into towns and villages and when they break – thousands of scorpions start scattering all around the area. According to a British military expert who has just returned from the country, the bombs explode on impact but the explosion do not kill the predators.

The 60cm bombs are not meant for mass casualties but have a massive “psychological impact”
The 60cm bombs are not meant for mass casualties but have a massive “psychological impact”
“It’s madness. IS have improvised devices to launch them. They promote the fact that they are doing it and it creates panic.  Scorpions are robust – even if they are launched a couple of miles, when the canister breaks thousands are flung out and start crawling all around. Some scorpions are very poisonous but the main thing is creating fear.”

The 60cm bombs are not meant for mass casualties but have a massive “psychological impact”. The bizarre biological weapon was used as far back as 198 AD, when Iraqis stuffed live scorpions into ceramic pots and hurled them at Roman armies to defend themselves against the invasion.

ISIS is the self-designated Islamic State, in its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over all Muslims worldwide. It aims to bring most Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its political control, beginning with territory in the Levant region, which includes Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, and part of southern Turkey.

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